Tornei di poker in Lincoln

In questa pagina puoi trovare tutti i tornei di poker in Lincoln, che si terrà questa settimana, e annunci della prossima serie. Inoltre puoi trovare tutte le informazioni necessarie sui tornei, per esempio: programma, sede, costo di ingresso, ora di inizio, dimensione iniziale dello stack, livello di blind, periodo di registrazione tardiva e così via. Ora non hai bisogno di passare un sacco di tempo a cercare tornei di poker in Lincoln nel 2019, aggiungi questa pagina ai tuoi segnalibri.

Serie di tornei


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Gennaio 04, Sabato
Thunder Valley Casino Resort 2025-01-04 09:30 $ 340 + 60 No Limit Hold'em - Encork 2025 (Event #1) , Hold'em, Re-entry, 50 000$ Guaranteed
25,000 chips, 30-minute levels, 1 re-entry
Gennaio 05, Domenica
Thunder Valley Casino Resort 2025-01-05 09:30 $ 250 + 50 No Limit Hold'em - 30/30/30 , Hold'em, Re-entry, 30 000$ Guaranteed
30,000 chips, 30-minute levels, 1 re-entry
Gennaio 06, Lunedì
Thunder Valley Casino Resort 2025-01-06 12:00 $ 165 + 35 No Limit Hold'em - Pop the Top 100k (Event #3) Day 1A , Hold'em, Re-entry, 100 000$ Guaranteed
15,000 chips, 20/30-minute levels, 1 re-entry/flight
Thunder Valley Casino Resort 2025-01-06 17:00 $ 165 + 35 No Limit Hold'em - Pop the Top 100k (Event #3) Day 1B , Hold'em, Re-entry, 100 000$ Guaranteed
15,000 chips, 20/30-minute levels, 1 re-entry/flight
Gennaio 07, Martedì
Thunder Valley Casino Resort 2025-01-07 12:00 $ 165 + 35 No Limit Hold'em - Pop the Top 100k (Event #3) Day 1C , Hold'em, Re-entry, 100 000$ Guaranteed
15,000 chips, 20/30-minute levels, 1 re-entry/flight
Thunder Valley Casino Resort 2025-01-07 17:00 $ 165 + 35 No Limit Hold'em - Pop the Top 100k (Event #) Day 1D , Hold'em, Re-entry, 100 000$ Guaranteed
15,000 chips, 20/30-minute levels, 1 re-entry/flight
Gennaio 08, Mercoledì
Thunder Valley Casino Resort 2025-01-08 09:30 $ 165 + 35 No Limit Hold'em - Pop the Top 100k (Event #3) Day 1E , Hold'em, Re-entry, 100 000$ Guaranteed
15,000 chips, 20/30-minute levels, 1 re-entry/flight
Thunder Valley Casino Resort 2025-01-08 12:00 $ 250 + 50 Limit Omaha 8 or Better (Event #4) , Omaha, Re-entry
15,000 chips, 30-minute levels, 1 re-entry
Gennaio 09, Giovedì
Thunder Valley Casino Resort 2025-01-09 12:00 $ 250 + 50 No Limit Hold'em - Norcal Jacked Stack (Event #6) Day 1A , Hold'em, Re-entry, 100 000$ Guaranteed
30,000 chips, 30-minute levels, 1 re-entry
Thunder Valley Casino Resort 2025-01-09 17:00 $ 250 + 50 No Limit Hold'em - Norcal Jacked Stack (Event #6) Day 1B , Hold'em, Re-entry, 100 000$ Guaranteed
30,000 chips, 30-minute levels, 1 re-entry
Gennaio 10, Venerdì
Thunder Valley Casino Resort 2025-01-10 09:30 $ 250 + 50 No Limit Hold'em - Norcal Jacked Stack (Event #6) Day 1C - Turbo , Hold'em, Re-entry, 100 000$ Guaranteed
30,000 chips, 15-minute levels, 1 re-entry/flight
Thunder Valley Casino Resort 2025-01-10 12:00 $ 250 + 50 No Limit Hold'em - Deep Freeze (Event #7) , Hold'em, Re-entry, 20 000$ Guaranteed
30,000 chips, 30-minute levels
Thunder Valley Casino Resort 2025-01-10 17:00 Norcal Jacked Stack - Day 2 , Hold'em, Registration closed, 100 000$ Guaranteed
Gennaio 11, Sabato
Thunder Valley Casino Resort 2025-01-11 12:00 $ 520 + 80 No Limit Hold'em - Champagne Main (Event #8) Day 1A , Hold'em, Re-entry, 200 000$ Guaranteed
30,000 chips, 30/40-minute levels, 1 re-entry/flight
Thunder Valley Casino Resort 2025-01-11 16:00 $ 520 + 80 No Limit Hold'em - Champagne Main (Event #8) Day 1B , Hold'em, Re-entry, 200 000$ Guaranteed
30,000 chips, 30/40-minute levels, 1 re-entry/flight
Gennaio 12, Domenica
Thunder Valley Casino Resort 2025-01-12 11:00 $ 520 + 80 No Limit Holde'm - Champagne Main (Event #8) Day 1C , Hold'em, Re-entry, 200 000$ Guaranteed
30,000 chips, 30/40-minute levels, 1 re-entry/flight
Thunder Valley Casino Resort 2025-01-12 12:00 $ 340 + 60 No Limit Hold'em (Event #9) , Hold'em, Re-entry, 50 000$ Guaranteed
25,000 chips, 30-minute levels, 1 re-entry
Gennaio 13, Lunedì
Thunder Valley Casino Resort 2025-01-13 09:30 $ 165 + 35 No Limit Hold'em - 20/20/20 (Event #10) , Hold'em, Rebuy/Add-On, 20 000$ Guaranteed
20,000 chips, 20-minute levels, 1 re-entry
Gennaio 14, Martedì
Thunder Valley Casino Resort 2025-01-14 09:30 $ 130 + 30 No Limit Hold'em - The Encore w/ $100 Rebuy (Event #11) , Hold'em, Rebuy/Add-On
15,000 chips, 20-minute levels, rebuy for 15,000 more chips, no re-entry/add-on
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